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White house in a sentence

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Sentence count:239+7Posted:2017-03-21Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: the White Housewhite heatwhitewhite manwhite liewhite winewhite lilyhouseholdMeaning: n. 1. the chief executive department of the United States government 2. the government building that serves as the residence and office of the President of the United States. 
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211. Concern that White House and congressional negotiators were unable to reach an agreement to balance the budget helped send stocks plunging yesterday.
212. Congressional leaders met them at the White House for coffee before escorting them to Capitol Hill.
213. But Republicans now in command at the White House and in Congress generally oppose new gun control measures.
214. Foster, who subsequently became deputy White House counsel, committed suicide in July 1993.
215. After Clinton was elected in 1992, Herman was appointed head of the White House public liaison office.
216. Democratic Party nominees who have lost the White House will not be attending the Democratic convention.
217. Schindler flew home and informed the White House of his favorable impressions.
218. She has served as a White House consultant for three administrations.
219. He returned to the White House to serve Reagan, one of his heroes[], as communications director in 1985.
220. I had experienced Mr Weinberg on a number of occasions-he was a frequent guest at the White House.
221. Other former White House aides have reached a similar conclusion.
222. In Washington, the White House said the coup attempt appeared to have ended in failure.
223. He must bear primary responsibility for the chaos that descended upon the White House when such disclosure did occur.
224. Mike McCurry, the White House spokesman, confirmed the campaign will air its first commercial beginning Friday.
225. Two White House officials were convicted of serious charges and a third got off on a technicality.
226. White House officials dismissive of the protests.
227. the present incumbent of the White House.
228. He is the highest - ranking White House official convicted of felony in years.
229. America'sFirst Lady stood on the sweeping staircase of the White House.
229. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
230. But no one could survive the White House without Presidential goodwill.
231. They were a series of tactical day - to - day deviations from White House policy.
232. They arrived at the White House, proud, tense and unsure.
233. The White House quickly announced that the policy is under review.
234. But the White House has a stronger motive than retaliation.
235. The White House has appointed its cyber tsar, following a seven month search.
236. But these White House hopefuls are still working hard in New Hampshire.
237. The White House is both a goldfish bowl and an isolation ward.
238. " Anybody who expected a breakthrough in Geneva was a fool,'said a White House official.
239. Democrats and the White House are balancing high risks and rewards.
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